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So, what exactly is Project-Up?


Project UP is a completely free high school conference that is aimed to inspire high school students from under represented communities consider the college option. This event will feature 4 different rotating workshops and will run down the steps of applying to college, being a 1st generation student/adapting to college, alternative routes to a four year university, and all the details about life after high school that could be scary if you're not prepared. But don't worry, we are here to help! We know the idea of college can be scary and you might be wondering, "can I make it to college? What will I do after I graduate college? Can I pay for college?" Fear not! We were in your shoes a couple years ago and we know exactly how you feel! In order to make college look A LOT less scary we thought project-up will be the best way to inform and inspire everybody =)


Here is the breakdown of what the event will entail:


Breakfast/check-in at 9-9:30 AM


We will all meet up at the Bear Room and sign-in to confirm you are here. You will hand us a signed participation waiver from your parent/guardian. You will then receive an info packet with the possible workshop cycles you can attend, a neat little name badge, and a FREE breakfast! While you are eating, some members of Chicanos for Community Medicine will start our opening talk.



Guest Speaker 9:40-10:30 AM


There will be a guest speaker (depending on schedule could be an MD, med student, or both!) who will tell their tale on how they made it to their respective profession. They're beyond inspirational =')

Workshop Cycle I 10:30 AM-11:25 AM


Here is where you get to choose any four workshops you would like to attend. The topics include: applying to university, alternative paths to university, 1st generation college student, and much more. If there's a specific topic you wish for us to present on, please let us know and we will make it work!





Workshop Cycle II 11:25 AM-12:10 PM


The workshop topics are the same as before so this is your chance to pick another topic you're interested in

Lunch/talk with UCSD students! 12:15pm-1:15 pm


You are getting FREE lunch, we will have Subway, cookies, juice; y'know, the good stuff. Anyways, here is your chance to talk with UCSD students in a very informal manner. We won't sugar-coat anything, we will tell you exactly how it is. This is your chance to ask any questions you want on a 1-on-1 basis, that way if you're too shy to say anything during the workshop you can tell us here. Again, this is very informal, so literally ANY question that pops into your mind feel free to ask us and we will candidly answer your questions.

UCSD Student Panels/Raffles! 1:20-2:30 pm


We have a panel of 4-5 UCSD students who will talk about their path to being admitted into UCSD. After they introduce themselves, the floor is open to questions and you can ask anything you like! We are a very experienced and diverse bunch so we are open to answer any question you have. If enough students sign up for Project-up then we will have a raffle! We're thinking shirts, coupons, and other cool FREE stuff.

Evaluations/UCSD tour! 2:30pm-3:30pm


We will ask you to sign an evaluation form to tell us what was cool and what was awful. Feedback is really important because this has become an annual tradition and every year we want to make it better and better. Also, a mini-tour of campus!  We will check-out class auditoriums and other neat spots to hit up. The tour isn't mandatory so if you have other obligations/don't really feel like walking, then you can bounce and it's completely cool. Just hand us your evaluation and you are set to go about your Saturday =)




UCSD mentors available upon request!


That's right, we won't just have project-up and call it a night. No way, we're serious about helping you out to get into the best university you can! Let us know if you're interested in having a UCSD student be your mentor. It's a neat way of asking an experienced fellow questions about college whenever ya want, it also removes the pressure of asking all your important college questions in just one day. More questions will pop-up and that's totally cool, we are here to help and we mean it! =)

Take some food!


If there's extra food after Project-Up is over you can grab some on the way out, it's actually encouraged. There's no shame in free food, trust.

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